Meteora is one of the most astounding sights in the world, let alone Greece. The area has spectacular stone pillars which rise abruptly from the surrounding plain. What’s even more amazing though is that atop many of these pillars, seemingly suspended from the sky, are a collection of Greek Orthodox monasteries dating back as much as 700 years!
The UNESCO World Heritage site continues a long tradition of humans seeking out the safety of these towering rocks stretching back thousands of years. Up until relatively recently the only way to visit was by climbing a rope ladder or hoisted in a net! The monks and nuns who founded these monasteries can only be applauded for their intense dedication to creating these structures in the most unlikely of places.
Thankfully the monasteries these days have cut steps into the rock and roads have been built to make access easier for visitors. The area is less than two hours’ drive from Olympus Villas and makes for an excellent day trip to a truly unique sight.